Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The guy in this next video is Bill McKeever with Mormon Research Ministry. This guy is very knowledgeable.

Bill starts out by pointing out that Alma 10:3, the introduction, and the title page all say that that the people of the Book of Mormon are Hebrews, and they are the ancestors of the Native Americans. Dr. Daniel Peterson (BYU professor), and Dr. Trent Stephens say that DNA evidence does not support these claims. Then there is this "There has been little to if any evidence seriously considered by the mainstream scientific community that would indicate a Middle East origin, or any other source of origin, for the majority of contemporary Native Americans...We propose that the Book of Mormon is the account of a small group of people who lived on the American continent, interacting to some degree with the indigenous population but relatively isolated from the general historical events occurring elsewhere in the Americas" Journal of Book of Mormon Studies, Vol. 12, number 1, 2003 pp.38 & 44; vs 1 Nephi 12:20, Helaman 11:20, and Mormon 1:7, all these scriptures found in the book of Mormon say that the people of the Book of Mormon was a large crowd. 2 Nephi 1:8-9 says that the land was not known about by other nations, and that they shall be kept from all other nations. Spencer W. Kimball said that the people of the Book of Mormon numbered in the hundreds of millions (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p.601), George Q. Cannon said that America was kept hidden by the Lord (Gospel Truth p.528). There are also people who say that the Book of Mormon took place in Central America; Joseph Fielding Smith Doctrines of Salvation 3:239-240 tells us that the events couldn't have taken place in Central America, even Ezra Taft Benson Believes that the Book of Mormon events happened in North America. So that means that the previously stated theory("There has been little to if any evidence seriously considered by the mainstream scientific community that would indicate a Middle East origin, or any other source of origin, for the majority of contemporary Native Americans...") is not valid, so why is there no DNA to support Hebrew ancestry of the Native Americans.
Here are a few other videos with Bill McKeever, I just don't have any notes with these so you'll have to watch them to see what they are about. They are actually short, and a good watch.

A seer stone and a hat- Translating the Book of Mormon.
The untold Story of the Death of Joseph Smith


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