Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Is Christianity Mormonism?

Since I left the Mormon Church one of the things I don't understand any more is why Mormons call themselves Christians? Don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be rude in any way, but there are some differences in the two and I just don't see how Mormonism is Christianity. Gordon B. Hinckley said in "What of the Mormons?" in 1976 "They [Mormons] are generally classed as Protestants, since they are not Catholic. Actually they are not closer to Protestantism than they are to Catholicism...Neither historically nor on the basis of Modern Association, theology or practice can they be grouped with either. Suffice it to say that its theology, its organization, and its practices are in many respects entirely unique among today’s Christian denominations." Even the late Prophet of the Church said himself that the church is different from other Christian churches, and he's not the only one. Brigham Young said "Should you ask why we differ from other Christians, as they are called, it is simply because they are not Christians as the New Testament defines Christianity." I agree with the first half of this statement, the second half not so much. But he still says that the two are different, if he believed Christians aren't Christian that's his opinion. But it doesn't stop there, there are some major differences in the beliefs. Just to name a few: The LDS church believes that Jesus and Satan are brothers, Christian denominations do not. Mormons believe that you are saved by grace only all your good works, Christians believe that we are not good enough, we know we are not. We know that there is nothing we can do or say that will get us to heaven. The only thing that saves is Jesus, and Jesus alone. You do good works because you are saved, not to be saved. The Church also teaches that you have to believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet to enter the into heaven (LDS Church news March 17, 2001), Brigham Young said "From the day the Priesthood was taken from the earth to the winding-up scene of all things, every man and woman must have the certificate of Joseph Smith, junior, as a passport to their entrance into the mansion where God and Christ are - I with you and you with me. I cannot go there without his consent." (Journal of Discourses Vol. 7 p. 289), this is huge. Jesus himself said that He is the way, the truth, and the life and no one enters his Father’s kingdom, except through Him. It does not say Joseph Smith, or the guy that will find another book buried in a hill, it's Jesus. Just Jesus, that's all you need, He's all you'll ever need. So again you are faced with the Choice of Jesus or Joseph. At least I was, and it was easy for me, I chose Jesus. There is one more thing that I think I should point out. As a Mormon you are told that there was a great apostasy and the true gospel fell away, and it had to be restored. But Jesus told Peter that he was the rock that He would build his church on and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Once again are you going to believe Jesus the Son of God, or man? Who are you going to trust your soul with? Jesus has mine, who has yours?
Anyways, do you see these differences? If I said I am a Mormon, even though I do not believe that Joseph Smith was a Prophet (or any of the other men that have followed), I do not believe in the Book of Mormon, and I do not believe that I need Josephs consent to enter my Gods Kingdom, would you be ok with that? Or would you tell me that I was not a Mormon and I would need to talk with a Bishop or some Missionaries. So why would a Mormon call themselves Christian if they don't believe in the same things Christian denominations do?


Examining Facsimile One from the Book of Abraham
Fireside with Sandra Tanner.
Sandra Tanner is with Lighthouse Ministries, and she is a direct descendant of Brigham Young.                      

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